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  • Part 4



    This project is a sports application project that helps people exercise by motivating them with prizes and subscriptions to some Gyms. The name of the software is SporMap. The sports part in the title is because the main part of the application is a sporting application. For the map part, SporMap depends on the person's map and the current location to provide all of the services and features within the application. Such as finding people nearby or nearby Gyms and parks, and so on.

    This test was performed on a group of people with similar and appropriate characteristics with the personas. Since the most qualified people have been chosen for the testing, each group member did the prototype testing with one of the personas. While these tests were present in the place that each member stays, the test was carried out face to face. Some people used the phone, and some people used the laptop. Then, the members recorded each user after getting them introduced to the application with the briefing generated by Hamzah Bajbouj. Users have described how they complete each task they were asked to perform and finish the task by stopping with the word "terminate".

    Testing for User 1 was handled by Rafah

    Testing for User 2 was handled by Hamzeh

    Testing for User 3 was handled by Almuhannad

    Screenshots of the Prototype:

    To Access the prototype: Click here
    To view all the screens: Click here

    - This is the first Pages a User may see which are the sign-up and sign-in pages.

    - The main page after a user signs in.

    - These are pages for "Your Health Summary" and "Your Achievements" after the user clicks on them from the main page.

    - When a user tries to find a place to do sports these mapping pages would be shown to him/her. These are some of the options included in the "Find Sporting Zone" page.

    -  Another features in the application is the ability to add friends to challenge them and chat with them. 

    - Also since the app has cooperation with some gyms these pages show how the gyms are displayed to the user.

  • “Conceptual & Physical (Concrete)



    Goal 1: Challenging other members in the vicinity

    Goal 2: Collecting medals and prizes

    Goal 3: Registering in gyms via application

    Interaction Metaphors


    Our application will deal with maps, it will locate a target location or it will locate your current location. In real life people usually then to use the pin to mark the important cities or location in the map as it is shown in the photo, some of them use markers to mark the locations, but using marker will be difficult to erase or even to give an accurate result, so we decided to use a pin to locate the user location for instance. 


    The main purpose of the card is to display a small set of data in an organized way, that is easy to scan and give a clue about the organization or the person, for instance, the personal card will give little information about the person but enough to create a general view about him. We metaphorized the same concept of cards in our application to display the information about gyms in an organized way.

    Text Fields:

    In reality, when we register in a gym, for instance, we will be given a piece of paper with many fields to fill with our name, age …etc. In our application, we stimulated and copied the same concept of filling the fields with the proper information such as first name, last name etc. 

    Radar Circles:

    Radars are used to locate physical objects within a given area, it shows the number of the objects within a specific diameter as well as keep tracking these objects. We borrowed and applied the same idea in our application, the colored circles will appear on the map in order to show the most active area, their colors will give a hint to users so they can know if it is crowded or not and once the user selects a circle more details will be given to him.

    Voice call and Camera Icons:

    These two metaphors are very familiar to the users and can be understood without any complexity, the hand telephone icon metaphor real world object that used for communication, years ago telephones were very popular and used by all the people around the world to communicate with each other all that they have to do is just to write the number and pick up the hand telephone, the same idea applied here based on user prior knowledge they already that hand telephone is used to communicate with people via voice, the same idea is applied to the camera icon, once the user sees the icon it easy to him to link it with the real-world elements which in our case the camera.

    Cup icon:

    In competition, the most common rewards are usually cups, for For instance the world cup, the cup icon reflects the same meaning in our interface, the icon design itself describes its meaning and it also gives the same feeling of winning.

    Steps Icon:

    Since the application will count the number of  users steps automatically, attaching the number of steps with this icon will give the user a clear message about what this number means for instance if we put 4332 beside this icon, usually the user will link the number with the steps that he has walked.


    Interface Design

    Sign in/ Sign up/ edit profile

    Your health summary/ Fave Gyms/ Achievment/ Friends list

    Finding Sport Areas

    Prize collecting *like Pokémon go

    Rest and summary screens

    Justification of the design

    1- Strive for consistency:

    The layout of the SportMap program emphasizes the consistency of the program in order to prevent confusion among users due to using various colors, shortcuts, and buttons. For example, as shown in the photo, in the event that the user needs to make changes to his records, he has two pages, one of which is to update basic information, such as name and email, and the other to update his health information, such as weight and height. Despite the disparity between the two pages, yet they have the same consistency in terms of color and icons.

    2- Offer informative feedback:

    This rule allows the consumer to realize what he's doing right now, by showing them a message or a sign that indicates that. To give an example of this rule and its existence in the program, when the user clicks on one of the suggested users to add them, the program changes the user's icon into blue in the box that lists the user's details and in the suggested users' bar to determine which users have been selected.

    3- Design dialogue to yield closure:

    This rule displays a message or an alert to the user to notify him or her of the completion of a particular task in the program. In the SportMap sports program, the app sends a notification and sends a congrats note to the user in the event that he or she received a new reward for the accomplishment of a particular mission.

    4- Offer simple error handling:

    When the user enters the password wrongly more than once, the program displays a message screen to inform the user of a way to reset the password, which is for the user to enter his authorization email and change the password from it.

    5- Permit easy reversal of actions: 

    Almost all of the program pages have a back button at the top left corner of the page. When the user clicks this button, it returns to the previous tab, which is normally the home page.

    6- Support internal locus of control:

    A message box will appear when the user clicks on Search for Sports areas to obtain the user's permission to use his/her location to Search for locations near him/her. In this scenario, the user may agree to allow the software to enter his location after reading the message and may revoke it if he does not want to do so, although this may contribute to his failure to use the feature.

    7- Law of proximity:

    This rule means that rather than elements far from each other, the user looks at elements nearer to each other as being connected to each other. When the summary report is displayed in the SportMap, we can see that we have two elements near each other at the bottom, which are the number of calories burned and the distance traveled. On the other hand, we have the number of steps a little further from the calories and distance due to the less connection they have in comparison with the connection between the two elements.

  • Project Part 2

    Gathering Requirements - User Analysis


    Proposed Tasks:

    1- Challenging other members in the vicinity.

    The application will provide specific areas to exercise in order to encourage people to meet together and do challenges.

    2- Collecting medals and prizes.

    Medals and prizes will be provided whenever the user completed a task or break a new record, some prizes give free entry to a gym.

    3- Registering in gyms via the application.

    We will do contracts with some gyms, there will be a specific page for the users to register in the gym, we provide customers to them, and they provide free entry coupons which will be used as prizes. 



    Persona 1 – Target users (Gyms):

    Source: connected-uk.com

    Ayla is 23 years old and studies IT at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. Now she's doing her final year project where she wants to show her abilities and skills through, which takes a lot of time and energy from her, creating a lot of stress and anxiety.

    Ayla uses exercise to reduce this stress. Thus, she usually runs at a park near her home. Ayla's overall focus is to relieve the anxiety created by her research and her FYP so that she can bring a lot of effort into her project again to accomplish her goal, which is to expand this project even after graduation to achieve success and to have a bright future

    Persona 2 – Target users (Athletes):

    source: www.pinterest.com

    is an international student at UTM university in Malaysia, he has a high challenging soul he left his home country when he was 18 years old to major in Mechatronic field because this majoring is not taught in his country currently, Abdulrahman is 21 old in his third year of study, due to his high ambition and challenging soul he was able to overcome the difficulties he faced.

    The challenge soul that he has didn’t come from nothing Abdulrahman is a runner since his childhood, he always does all his efforts to improve his abilities and stamina by competing with other runners and joining in local contests, in order to achieve his dream to become a professional runner and participate in international competitions, but unfortunately because the study environment that surrounds him, he wasn’t able to find the people who share him the same interests and challenging spirit to compete with them neither finding any local competitions near to where he's staying.

    Persona 3 – Target users (Obese people):

    source: vectorstock.com

    Alan Jack is 19 years old, living a simple life in Hungary, and has been unable to complete his university studies. Jack suffers from obesity and is unable to get rid of it on his own and is frustrated by it, especially because of how people see him. Fortunately collecting trophies and breaking records is one of his primary concerns, although he is somewhat lethargic and lazy.

    Jack wants to join a sports club in order to lose some weight as he believes that if there is a supporter for him, he will be able to overcome his obesity, but unfortunately, due to his simple abilities, he cannot join the gym.



    Registering in gyms via the application, persona 1 :

    The weekend is beginning today, and the hour is just past 4 p.m. Ayla has already completed some of the criteria for her project and has decided to go to for a run. But Ayla needs a peaceful place to run since the park is full of people and children, in addition to a large number of insects in it. Ayla’s friend has suggested to her an application called Spormap that offers sport programs and gyms that she can register for.

    As a result, Ayla decided to register for a gym. She downloaded the Spormap app, she registered at it using her name and details such as high, weight and age… etc. She went to the gyms available in the app and start scrolling to find the nearest gym to her. She found one which was located 14kms away from her. She registered her name and booked for after 45 minutes from now. She closed the app to get ready for the gym.

    Challenging other members in vicinity, persona 2

    It’s the end of the day after a long day in the college, Abdulrahman is finally free from the shackles of the study for Abdulrahman it’s the best time for running to get rid of exhausting that comes after a long day of study, as usual, the first thing Abdulrahman does, is to ask his friends to join him but unfortunately, most of them are busy or already exhausted but luckily Abdulrahman doesn’t take this as an excuse to not running since he knows that he can use Spormap in order to find other runners nearby.

    Abdulrahman then grabbed his smartphone and went directly Spormap application, since he had already registered in the app before (which takes few clicks), Spormap then displayed a lot of options he can select but he was looking for a specific option which is finding the nearest group runners or an individual runner to his location, Spormap it then displayed a notification to Abdulrahman that it found the nearest runner (or a group ) and at the same time it displayed another notification for the runner that Abdulrahman is going to join you and him only 1km away from you, later on, that day Abdulrahman received a new notification from the app informing him that will be a local running a contest asking him if he is interested to join it.

    Collecting medals and prizes, persona 3

    Jack wakes up every morning with enthusiasm and passion to play sports, but his capabilities remain limited. Through advertising, Jack heard about SporMap application and the prizes that he can get, some of which enable him to get free entry to the gym for a day or some rare prizes that give a free subscription for 3 months But, in order to obtain these awards, Jack must break records and this is not a problem for him, as, despite his obesity, he loves competitions and wants to do anything in order to lose some weight. Jack downloads the SporMap application and explores the prizes that he can get, then searches for the nearest location supported by the application and starts practicing sports, and the application automatically calculates the number of steps and his sporting activity, while he is practicing sports Jack gets to know through the application of other friends who share the same passion.

     Jack is excited to meet his friends every day and break records together.

    Finally, Jack was able to get one of the prizes that give him free access to the gym for 3 days, but this is not long enough for him, Jack heard that the chance to get rare prizes increases on weekends, Jack goes out with many of his friends who he got to know through the application and smash Records on weekends and this time Jack was able to get a free subscription for 3 months.

    One of Jack's friends had enough money, and he won the prize to enter the sports gym for one day, Jack's friend liked the gym and paid for a subscription for 6 months.


    Gathering Requirements - Task Analysis


    Samsung Health is one of the famous and worldwide activity tracker apps with more than a Billion installations in Android devices, the main purpose of Samsung Health is to provide a way for its users to track their activities in order to have a healthy and balanced lifestyle, it also provides many other features in addition to its main target it provides a variety of programs that the user can join it, it also allows the users to compete with each via 1:1 challenges or global monthly challenges.

    From the tens of tasks that the users can do we selected three tasks that are similar to the tasks in our proposed system. The tasks are

    1. Finding a challenge: the idea from this task is to join to the challenges within the app.

    2. Register in a program: The user can join programs provided by companies in cooperation with Samsung Health.

    3. Break records/ set a new goal: the user can check his achievement and his records and break them if he/she wants.


    Derivation of HTA

    HTA for task 1 - Finding a challenge

    User1: IOS user.



    HTA (textual):

    0. find a challenge

                1. open the app

                2. click on together

                3. click on the challenge

    Plan 0: do steps in sequence from 1 to 3

    3. click on challenge

                3.1 join the global challenge

                3.2 join the individual challenge

    Plan 3: If you wanted to do both, order doesn’t matter.

    3.2 join individual challenge

                3.2.1 choose a friend

                3.2.1 choose a challenge

    Plan 3.2: do steps in sequence 3.2.1 – 3.2.3

    3.2.3 choose a challenge

       set target

       write a title

       send invitation

       wait for a response

    Plan 3.2.3: do in any order, do if you want.

    HTA for task 1 - Finding a challenge

    User2: Android user.




    HTA (textual)

    0. find a challenge

    1.     open the app

    2.     Click on the together icon

    3.     select a challenge

    Plan 0: do steps in sequence from 1 to 3

    3. select a challenge

    3.1  join monthly challenge

    3.2  challenge a friend

    Plan 3: If you wanted to do both, the order doesn’t matter.

    3.2 challenge friend

    3.2.1       choose a friend

    3.2.2       check friend details

    3.2.3       choose a challenge 1:1

    Plan 3.2: do steps in sequence 3.2.1 – 3.2.3, do 3.2.2 if you wanted

    3.2.3 choose a challenge 1:1   select number of steps   write a title   send invitation   wait for his response

    Plan 3.2.3: do in any order, do if you want.

    HTA for task 1 - Finding a challenge

    User3: Android user.



    HTA (Textual):

    0 Register in a program

                1 Open the app.

                2 Find Friends to challenge.

                            2.1 Click on friends

                            2.2 Add a friend

                3 choose a friend to challenge.

                4 choose the number of steps.

                5 send an invitation.


    If the user has friends

    Plan 0: do 1; do 2; do 3; do 4; do 5.

    Plan 2: do 2.1

    If the user does not have friends

    Plan 0: do 1; do 2; do 3; do 4; do 5.

    Plan 2: do 2.2


    HTA for task 2 - Register in a program

    User1: IOS user.


    Samsung health App doesn’t have a “Discover section” on the IOS platform, so we have picked one of Samsung partners application that is similar to our proposed solution as well

    The application called (Nike Training), it has almost the same features as Samsung health.



    0. Register in a program

    HTA (textual):

                1. Open the App

                2. Click on “For you”

                3. Pick a program

    Plan 0: Do in sequence 1-2-3

    3. Pick a program

                3.1 Read program details

                3.2 Download the program

                3.3 set exercising

    Plan 3: do in sequence 3.2—3.3, do 3.1 if you want


    HTA for task 2 - Register in a program

    User2: Android user.


    HTA(Graphical) :

    HTA (textual):

    0. register in a program

    1.     open the app

    2.     Click on the discover icon

    3.     Click on the programs card

    4.     select a category

    Plan 0: do in sequence 1 – 2 – 3 – 4

    4. select a category

    4.1  find a suitable program

    4.2  read program details

    4.3  choose the starting date

    4.4  add the program

    Plan 4: do in sequence 4.1 – 4.3 – 4.4, Do 4.2 if you want.



    HTA for task 2 - Register in a program

    User 3: Android user.


    HTA(Graphical) :

    HTA (textual):

    0 Register in a program

    1.     Open the app

    2.     Find the programs section

    3.     Search for the suitable program

    4.  Add the desired program to the schedule


    Plan 0: do 1; do 2; do 3; do 4.


    HTA for task 3 – Break records/ set a new goal

    User 1: IOS user.


    Since this user has no previous records, he will need to set a new goal


    HTA (Graphical):

    HTA (textual):

    0. Set a new goal

                1. Click on goals (activity icon)

                2. check trends

                3. check rewards

                4. set a new goal

    Plan 0: order doesn’t matter

    4. Set a new goal

                4.1 go to the main menu

                4.2 pick an exercise

                4.3 set target

                4.4 click on the start button

    Plan 4: do in sequence 4.1—4.2 – 4.3 – 4.4


    HTA for task 3 – Break records/ set a new goal

    User 2: Android user.


    HTA(Graphical) :

    HTA (textual):

    0. Break records

    1.     open the hamburger bar menu

    2.     select achievements

    3.     find out your records

    4.     break the record

    Plan 0: do 4 if you want, do in sequence 1—2—3

    4. break the record

    1.1  go to the main menu

    1.2  choose the exercise

    1.3  set the type of target

    1.4  click start button

    Plan 4: do in sequence 4.1—4.2 – 4.3 – 4.4



    HTA for task 3 – Break records/ set a new goal

    User 3: Android user.


    HTA(Graphical) :

    HTA (Textual):

    0 Register in a program

    1.     Open the app

    2.     Search for achievements

    3.     check for the best record

    4.     walks for more steps

    Plan 0: do 1; do 2; do 3; do 4.


    Findings From The HTAs

    Findings from the HTAs for Task 1

    Using the three HTAs analyzed from the user’s videos for the first task, we can find that the third user’s HTA has a huge difference compared to the first’s and the second’s, as she mentioned tasks in a simpler and faster way, which led to fewer tasks analyzed in the HTA. In addition, there were only 2 subtasks. It was to verify whether the user has friends or not, if friends existed, she would click on them to choose one. If there was no friend, she would add one.

    This was not the only difference between the three representations, as there is also a slight difference between the first and the second, which is almost negligible. The difference is that after completing the 3.2 task in both HTAs, the first user performs three steps which are: choose a friend, check his details, and choose a challenge. In return, only two actions are taken by the second user: choosing a friend and choosing a challenge.

    Findings from the HTAs for Task 2

    for all the users except the first user, the steps to join a program were easy and doesn't require a lot of steps to do.

    user 3 seemed to be confused between the discover button and the together button since there is no clue given from the icons, but overall, the two users 2, && 3 knew how to join the program the only difference that user 2 went into details about the program.

    user 2 had some problems when he tried to search for the difficulty of the program, from HTA 4.1 we can create sub-tasks where the user can search for the program's needs by name or category. Unfortunately for user 1 there was no discover button because that the processes were much different than the users in Android, without mentioning that user 1 had to use a different application.


    Findings from the HTAs for Task 3

    There are no big differences between the first and the third user when they use the third task, but the first user seems to be more enthusiastic while breaking his records again.

    But when we asked the second user - who is obese - to look for his records and break them again, he couldn't find any records or past achievements. The user mentioned to us that he was using another app but deleted it several months ago due to boredom.

    The reason for this may be due to the lack of enthusiasm and sufficient motivations, especially when the user suffers from laziness or obesity, which we will avoid in our application as we will make it motivate as much as possible by providing real prizes and not just pictures, along with the possibility of finding friends who live nearby and sharing the same interests to prompt the user to continue using the app.


    Design requirements

    We noticed that Samsung Health users cannot automatically break their last record, as they must search for the largest record they reached and then determine the goal themselves.

    In our application, we will display the largest record reached by the user and motivate him to break it.

    It is also worth noting that the third user (user 3) had not previously used Samsung Health and deleted one of the sports programs that he was using due to boredom.

    As mentioned previously, our application is made to avoid boredom and not to be like normal sports applications, as we will provide different and real prizes, in addition to allocating the weekend to publish the largest number of prizes in it for the sake of motivation.

    Samsung Health also lacks friends who can actually be met or at least texted - except for friends whom you already know - which makes it one of the reasons for boredom.

    Our application not only allows sending messages to new people and getting to know them, but also allocates certain places for practicing sports in order to encourage users to meet new people.

    We also found out that UI design was different between the two operation systems Android and IOS which in return will have a significant impact on the user experience, it was obvious more features were added to Android version than IOS version such as Discover button, in our application we will create our UI to look the same in both operating systems as well as make sure that the same features are provided in the two operating systems, so the users that use both systems will still have the same experience and feelings when the user our proposed application.

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